Advantages of photocatalytic oxidation method for treating waste gas

Release time:2024-01-12 11:18:19

Photocatalytic oxidation technology is an environmentally friendly green water treatment technique that can completely oxidize and degrade organic pollutants in wastewater. This skill involves using a central product that is easy to absorb photon energy to first form an excited state, and then inducing the oxidation process of reactant molecules.

Photocatalytic oxidation uses nano technology to composite multiple metal oxides, activated carbon, and adhesives into a composite photocatalyst. This composite photocatalyst preparation method is simple and has the characteristics of wide spectral response scale, high photoactivity, and fast response rate.

1. Efficient deodorization: It can efficiently remove primary pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), inorganic substances, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, thiols, and various odors, with a deodorization power of over 99%.

2. No need to add any substances: simply set up corresponding exhaust pipes and exhaust power to allow the odor gas to undergo deodorization, differentiation, and purification through this equipment, without adding any substances to participate in chemical reactions.

3. Strong Habituality: Can be accustomed to the deodorization and purification treatment of high concentration, atmospheric volume, and different odorous gas substances, and can operate continuously 24 hours a day, ensuring stable and reliable operation.

4. Low operating cost, only about 0.1 kWh of electricity is consumed for every 1000 cubic meters per hour of processing, and the equipment has extremely low wind resistance<30pa, which can save a lot of exhaust power energy consumption.

5. The equipment has a small footprint, stable functions, and a long service life. 6. No secondary pollution occurs, achieving efficient disinfection and sterilization together.



  • Zhang Guihong:13584903049
  • Xiao Biao:18112331148
  • Address:No. 289, Huanghe West Road, Xuejia Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City
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